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About the Treatment

PDO facial threading is an effective way to lift and tighten sagging skin without the need for a surgical procedure. This minimally invasive treatment can rejuvenate nearly any area of the body using tiny surgical threads made of Polydioxanone, a thread with a well-documented safety record in surgery and wound closure.

During treatment, these threads are inserted into the skin using a micro-needle, tightening and lifting it while stimulating the body’s natural processes of healing and rejuvenation. When used in the face, these PDO threads sculpt a more defined silhouette, reduce facial roundness, and improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

What is a thread lift?

The non-surgical face lift threading is a minimally invasive alternative to a surgical facelift for tightening and lifting sagging skin around the face, neck and jawline. Facial threads are a synthetic and biocompatible suture that absorbs naturally into the body. They are similar to surgical sutures used to perform cardiac surgery. All sutures are FDA-approved and have proven to be one of the safest materials for use in aesthetic procedures. The skin will fully absorb threads within 4 to 6 months without forming scar tissue. PDO threads also helps to stimulate collagen growth adding firmness to the skin.

Who is a good candidate? Who is NOT a good candidate?

Good candidates are typically men and women in their 30's and above who have mild to moderate sagginess, wrinkles, and lines in the forehead, face, and/or neck. You may not be a candidate for this treatment if you are not near a healthy or ideal weight, you are too thin, or you have excessive loose skin.

How is the treatment done?

During the procedure, a preloaded needle is introduced into the skin, whether it's on the facial or body area. The injector then leaves the thread underneath the skin's surface upon needle removal. Your skin responds gently to these threads, initiating a self-repair process around the sutures. The threads can be strategically positioned to prompt collagen production in areas with volume loss or to address creases. Additionally, they can be positioned to lift and firm the skin, such as in the neck or brow regions.

Over the subsequent 4-6 months, your skin gradually absorbs the threads without leaving any scar tissue behind. As the threads break down, your body stimulates collagen production, effectively assuming the threads' role. This results in effects that typically endure for around a year, and sometimes even up to 2 years.

How long to see results?

In about an hour after the procedure, your face will look instantly better with no scars and long lasting results.

Why do the procedure? What are the benefits?

It is more affordable than a surgical facelift, while still allowing patients to achieve results that can last for two full years. Benefits and results include redistributed facial volume, restored youthful appearance, corrected face drooping and smoothing aging skin.

What does recovery look like? (Bruising, swelling, etc.)

Unlike traditional facelift procedures, the thread face lift brings patients considerably less downtime and pain during both treatment and recovery. You may have some minor bruising and sometimes a face wrap is recommended to enhance the result, but the wrap is only for night time.

How often do you have to follow up/maintenance?

For the best PDO thread lift results, we recommend 3 treatments, spaced 1 month apart, followed by 1 maintenance treatment once or twice a year, thereafter.

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