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About the Procedure

What is it?

Excess skin on the sides of the clitoris often causes the clitoris to look enlarged or uneven. Genetics, estrogen, and testosterone exposure can make significant changes in the way the clitoral area appears. A labiaplasty itself may result in the appearance of a relatively larger clitoral area since the excess labia have been removed drawing the eyes to the clitoral region. Dr. Wei offers this surgery for women seeking to improve the aesthetic appearance of their genital area by excising the extra folds of skin lateral to the clitoris. The clitoris itself and its nerves are never touched. This is NOT clitoral mutilation or clitoral un-hooding.

Clitoral hood reduction refers to a procedure that involves removing extra folds of skin on either side of the clitoris. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes approximately 30 minutes to perform.

Who is a good candidate? Who is NOT a candidate?

This procedure is beneficial to women with excess skin surrounding the clitoris, causing the clitoris to look enlarged or uneven, and women who want to improve the aesthetic of their genitalia, or reduce irritation as a result of large clitoral hood tissue. Genetics, estrogen, and testosterone exposure can make significant changes in the way the clitoral area appears. Women with similar underlying conditions that have caused changes in the appearance of their clitoral area are good candidates.

How is the procedure done?

A horizontal incision is made in the clitoral hood. Through this incision, the projection of the prepuce is reduced and excess tissue is removed. The incision is then closed with dissolvable sutures and dressed. Clitoral Hood Reduction is done in the office under local anesthesia.

How long will it take to see results?

Patients will see results immediately. However, the patient will want to allow at least 6 months for all swelling to go down and healing of the skin to take place to see the full permanent results of this procedure.

How long is recovery? What does it look like? (Bruising, swelling, etc.)

Recovery from a clitoral hood reduction without labiaplasty is often shorter. The swelling should improve in six weeks, but you may still look swollen for up to six months after the procedure.

How often do you have to follow up/maintain?

No maintenance is necessary. This procedure provides you with permanent results.

The only maintenance necessary will be your post-operation appointments with your surgeon to monitor your healing. These scheduled appointments will be discussed with you during your preoperative consultation.

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